Writing a good and professional thank you note right after an interview is important because you are informing the employer your great interest in the job. A good thank you note can make a big difference with the employer’s decision whether or not they will want to hire you. A thank you note can be in forms of a handwritten note or an e-mail.
Avoid Being Generic
When you write a thank you note, avoid appearing too generic and bland. Use more lively language when you write your note and while you do that, go straight to the point by personally thanking the employer and briefly explain how the job interests you and explain why you think you are the best deaf or hard of hearing job candidate for the position. It’s important not to repeat everything you have already mentioned in your interview. If you do, you will appear repetitive and redundant.
Many deaf and hard of hearing job candidates resort to writing the thank you note using a sample they find over the Internet which is highly not recommended. You must stand out from others by writing a personalized thank you note. It is without any doubt that there are a large variety of suggestions or examples available on the Internet on how to write a thank you note. That being said, try to be unique from other job candidates and by doing this, you must personalize your thank you note.
Be Concise
Employers appreciate thank you notes that are concise and to the point. By saying too much can make you appear rambling and possibly less convincing. Choose the right words and hit the target. Remember the tip, “Less is more.” The typical and most recommended length for a good thank you note is to break it down to about two paragraphs. Your thank you note should not exceed half a page. You do not need to start introducing yourself all over again because the employer already knows about you through your resume and the job interview. Instead, jump right to the interesting part about yourself and tell the employer why you want the job. Try to end your thank you note with a memorable line. Finally, be sure to proof-read your thank you note before sending it to the employer.
It Can Make a Difference
The best thank you note can help you to stand out from the rest of the pool of candidates if the competition is fierce. A hiring manager can be on a fence between two job candidates, and a well-written and personalized thank you note can tip one candidate over another. In closing, it is always better to send a thank you note than not because a note can make a difference in employer’s hiring decision.
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