Pay raises, retirement benefits, and yearly employee evaluations are certainly enough to encourage employers to be more productive at work. That is on top of the fact that many employees want to be as productive as possible. Higher production often leads to salary increases and promotions, and being more productive can lead to a happier and healthier life. Here are ways to be more productive regardless of the field an employee is in.
Be on time. Most employers maintain realistic expectations on the amount of work an employee can successfully complete each week. To be MORE productive, you will need to be efficient and optimize your work time to get more done. You might find it very difficult to complete your regular tasks successfully, not to mention additional work, if you short-change yourself and show up late to work. For those employees who, on average, are 10 to 15 minutes late for every shift are already going to struggle to get done the minimum amount of work they are expected to complete. Ideally, employees should be early enough to work to start work right away. For those who start work at 8 am or 9 am, be about 10 minutes early so you can turn on your computer, get some coffee, say hi to colleagues, and still be able to complete actual work beginning at 8 am or 9 am.
Keep a log of your work achievements. To be productive, employees need to remain energized and focused. You should maintain a list of your achievements and project that you completed. Having a running list of such information helps inspire employees. An added benefit of such a list is that you will have data to easily access for when you attend yearly evaluations and maintain a record as you update your résumé.
Know and remember organization's and department's yearly goals. Regardless of the reasons you want to be more productive (whether in seeking advancement or simply out of an amazing work ethic), keep track of the organization or company's short and long-term goals. Incorporate those goals into your daily routine to best help the organization or company attain those goals. Too often, companies scramble at the end of a fiscal year to finish off a goal that managers are expecting to be reached. Being mindful of those goals and working towards those goals will help ensure your organization reaches goals quicker. By the way, supervisors and other directors often note those who contribute the most to attaining goals.
Collaborate. Connect with your colleagues and network. As many see it, networking is underrated just to advance yourself at the office. In reality, networking helps you identify colleagues' strengths, which can help initiate joint efforts to accomplish personal and company goals. The camaraderie built through networking can lead to small teams of employees who help lift each other and produce more success. Again, this is something a smart supervisor would look out for and possibly reward with excellent job performance evaluations, raises, or promotions.
Establish your own goals. Goals are not just about your organization or company's success. Your success is very important. What do you want to get out of your job beyond a paycheck? Find a place for your dreams and professional goals to be more invested in your work. Employees who are more invested or engaged in their work and weekly work production tend to be happier and more productive. Again, maintaining an actual list of goals (and periodically reviewing those goals) will help you be more productive at work.
Leave a to-do list at the end of each day. Many employees waste time when they first arrive at work to reacquaint themselves with responsibilities and the projects they need to complete. Don't let yourself fall into this trap. Before you leave for the day, right when your shift ends, WRITE DOWN a list of tasks you want to complete the next day. Incorporate your organization or company's goals and your goals into a to-do list. If you stick with this every day, you will likely find your time at work wisely and efficiently and far more productive in little time.
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